Monday, September 2, 2013

Love: A Regal Inconvenience

As is the deal with most things in my life, my question is derived from Game of Thrones. Cersei Lannister, the beautiful, cunning, power hungry queen states that the more people you love, the weaker you are. When that song was first sung to me, I thought nothing of it. Love was strength, love was courage, love was all that was needed in life. Her quote was just words, and words are wind. Though soon the winds rose and gusted into my mind. And when I pondered, those words cut deeper than any sword could. I have witnessed first hand people spending so much time and energy on a single person, only for them to love another. I have seen men and woman become whole new people, both inside and out, all for the sake love. In so many stories, death comes to those that love, and the love is what stabs them in the back. I have been the fool. All these things I have seen, and I believe what I see. But I have also seen and read about love that lasts, seen people that are the happiest when they are around the people they love. I have seen what a soul mate looks like. Both these truths I have seen. So with this big question I would like to explore if the good really does out weigh the bad. I want to know if love is truly a weakness.

1 comment:

  1. Weakness in terms of what? Sometimes our weaknesses are our strengths.
